QUICKval Kit Product Code |
Kit Includes CPU Module |
Processor Included on Module |
Evaluation Board EP80960BB |
Evaluation Board PCI80960DPI |
These evaluation kits ship with a CPU Module, and Evaluation Board as follows: |
GCX80960W95KT |
CPU80960CXK |
CF-40MHZ |
X |
GCX80960W95PK |
CPU80960CXK |
CF-40MHZ |
X |
GHX80960W95KT |
CPU80960HXK |
HD-50MHZ |
X |
GHX80960W95PK |
CPU80960HXK |
HD-50MHZ |
X |
GHT80960W95KT |
CPU80960HT75 |
HT-75MHZ |
X |
GHT80960W95PK |
CPU80960HT75 |
HT-75MHZ |
X |
GHD80960W95KT |
CPU80960HD80 |
HD-80MHZ |
X |
GHD80960W95PK |
CPU80960HD80 |
HD-80MHZ |
X |
GJX80960W95KT |
CPU80960JXK |
JF-33MHZ |
X |
GJX80960W95PK |
CPU80960JXK |
JF-33MHZ |
X |
GJD80960W95KT |
CPU80960JD66K |
JD-66MHZ |
X |
GJD80960W95PK |
CPU80960JD66K |
JD-66MHZ |
X |
GJT80960W95KT |
CPU80960JT100K |
JT-100MHZ |
X |
GJT80960W95PK |
CPU80960JT100K |
JT-100MHZ |
X |
GKX80960W95KT |
CPU80960KXK |
KB-25MHZ |
X |
GKX80960W95PK |
CPU80960KXK |
KB-25MHZ |
X |
GSX80960W95KT |
CPU80960SXK |
SA-20MHZ |
X |
GSX80960W95PK |
CPU80960SXK |
SA-20HMZ |
X |
Processor Product Code |
Customers may remove processors supplied in the kits above and substitute with another processor from the same family. (Example: replace the CF-40MHZ with the CA-33MHZ) The processor order codes are as follows: |
A80960CA-33 |
CA-33MHZ |
N80960SB-16 |
SB-16MHZ |
A80960KA-25 |
KA-25MHZ |
A80960HA-40 |
HA-40MHZ |
A80960HD-66 |
HD-66MHZ |
A80960JD-33 |
JD-33MHZ |
A80960JA-33 |
JA-33MHZ |
QUICKval Kit Product Code for Rx Processors |
IQ Module |
Processor |
Our Intelligent I/O evaluation kits (IQ) ship with an evaluation board with the processor soldered on, and an IQ module as follows: |
IQ80960RPK |
RP-33MHZ (5 volt) |
IQ80960RPLVK |
RP-33MHZ (3 volt) |
IQ80960RDEXT |
RD-66MHZ (3 volt/clock doubled) |
RD-66MHZ (3 volt/clock doubled) |
Note: The SCSIFENET module is a PCI controller containing 2 SCSI and 2 ethernet interfaces. The IQEXTENDER is an IQ module which breaks out 3 standard PCI slots. |
Additionally, QUICKval's robust on-line help gives up-to-date technical info on all our processors and our toolset. QUICKval requires Windows NT or Windows 95 and approximately 20 Mg of hard disk space.
Due to space constraints on this revision of the Developer's Insight CD, the installational file was not included on the CD. If you have an internet connection, you may download this file from any of the locations listed below. This file will be included in the next revision of the Developer's Insight CD.